Review of the vineyard data quantification society and the european association of wine economist

Author guidelines

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The paper will be submitted to a peer review process, based on double blind refereeing by two anonymous referees. Upon acceptance of an article by the Journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article.

Digital Manuscripts (Microsoft Word files, Tex files) should be typed 1,5 spaced. Maximum number of pages 18 for max. 35,000 types (spaces included).
Footnotes to the text are indicated by superior numbers, numbered consecutively throughout the article. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Reference citations in the text are by last name of author and year, i.e., Smith (1977) or (Smith 1977). If the same author and year are cited again, use 1977 a, b, etc.
The title page should include the full names and affiliations of the authors, with the name and address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent
An Abstract of not more than 200 words should be included.
Classification codes and keywords At least one standard JEL code and up to three additional keywords should be provided.
The title should be as brief as possible. If it exceeds 45 characters and spaces, include a brief running title.

Mathematical notation
Use typewritten letters, numbers, and symbols wherever possible. Identify boldface, script letters, the first time they occur. Distinguish between Arabic "1" and the letter "I" and between zero and the letter o, capital or lower case, wherever confusion might result. Important formulae (displaced) should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript as (1), (2), etc. on the right-hand side of the page.

The following reference style should be observed:
Journal. Leontief W. (1975) The economi impact - industrial and regional - of the arms cut. Review of economics and Statistics 43.
Book. Johnson J. (1972) Econometrics Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill, p.165.
Chapter in edited book. Galor O. (2006) Inequality and process of development. In Economic Growth and Distribution: On the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nation (N.Salvadori,Ed.). Cheltenham U.K. Edward Elgar.
Theses, reports, and other unpublished materials. Eckbo, P.L. (1975) OPEC and the Experience of Previous International Commodity Cartels. MIT Energy Laboratory Working Paper No. 75-008WP, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Illustrations should be submitted in a file of jpeg format. Lettering and data points should be large enough so when reduced to fit on the journal page (4.5 in. width x 7 in. depth maximum) they can be read with ease.

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